Monday, July 27, 2009

Mimi's Monday Delights...Objects

Well, it's Monday again. Since I work from home, and I've got a LONG week ahead of me, I decided to make this week's delights about small objects in my home. Here are some small objects in our house that make me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy when I see them. These little objects of delight are truly special to me.
1. A very old photo album filled with black and white photos of my mom and grandparents when they were children.
2. A beautiful vintage handbag my man bought me at a garage sale. What a find!

3. "Sleepy Baby." This was my mom's when she was little. I still have the box for her. So sweet.
4. This beautiful painting by my sweet friend, Faith - given to me for my birthday a few years ago. She is so ahead of her time.

5. My collection of San Francisco coffee cups. Every time I go to visit, I get a new one. Nothing makes me happier in the morning than drinking coffee from one of these.
6. This rooster that my grandmother made.

7. My set of Russian Dolls. They are pink and sparkly. So pretty.

8. This kitty cat that Evan made me for Mother's Day this year.

9. Roses from both my grandparents' funerals.
The pink one is for my Grandmother.
The yellow one is for my Grandad.

10. A collection of rocks handpainted by my monkeys. So much color. Fun!I am sappy and sentimental. There are so many more precious objects in our home - I will save them for another post!
I would love to hear what is special to you! Do you have anything in your home - collections, treasures, pretty things? DO TELL!!!
Have a delightful Monday and a wonderful week!

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